Friday, July 6, 2012

So I fell off the band wagon...

We were doing very well. $.40 for onions. $22.80 for water and hand soap. Then Justin and I went out by ourselves. And we got a soda (Taco Bell has XLs for $.79!!!). Then RachelLynn and I went out and got a drink today at McDonald's. So of course we had to get one for Papa because he was being a wonderful Papa and going to work to take care of us. And I proceeded to go to his work and spill it all over the floor. Because I love him so much. I was showing him how much I loved him and then making sure that he didn't have any of the bad side effects of drinking the soda. So it was a good thing. Right??? Yeah...In reality I hit the stupid curved bar height tables that they have just like I do every time I go there. *sigh* And then I went to Goodwill for a loaf pan (because Wal-Mart didn't have any. Really, people!) and I saw some skirts. And while waiting to try them on I saw some shirts. And I didn't buy a single skirt. But I did walk out of there with two shirts (one was expensive!!!) and a pair of violet jeans for ZoeBel. So I failed. Is this where I have permission to go buy a bunch of sushi and wallow in my misery? I wish. Sushi sounds good and I don't want to wait for the rice to soak...

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